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Solutions: Clay | Sandy | Wet | Dry | Dark dry wet shade| Edible | Acid soil | Windy | Hedging |

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Plant information & care

Saphyr Yellow var. Cadaune

Disease-resistant variety bearing a mass of white flowers in early summer and clusters of yellow berries autumn and winter.
Height and Spread: 300cm(10 ft) in 10 years.
Position: Any well-drained soil in sun or partial shade.
May be grown as a wall shrub or hedge.
Planting: Water thoroughly before planting. Plant in hole large enough to avoid disturbing root ball. Back-fill with soil previously mixed with peat substitute and a suitable fertilizer.
Plant care: Keep moist in first year. If used in hedging the ideal size is 2mx1.5m(6 ft x 5 ft). Prune twice in July/August.

SOLD OUT july 08